July 1, 2020
Sunrise and Sunset Anniversary Session
Rachel and Eddie finished their sojourn in Lexington, KY this past June in order to move onto new adventures. They wanted to end their time by celebrating in the city that they had grown to call home for so many years.
Rachel and Eddie said their nuptials at the Red River Gorge, but wanted their anniversary session to reflect the land that they loved surrounding Lex. We got fancy and enjoyed a glowing sunrise in the wildflower fields of Lexington’s horse country.
While sunrise signified a glimpse into their past lives, their sunset session celebrated their current selves. I always encourage couples to do shoots that represent their personalities, and Rachel and Eddie were able to do that by riding to the shoot in style. We ended the night by watching the sun set over the city and were graced with a glorious moonrise.
I’ll miss these two giants in our community- their love for each other, strength and generosity to those around them. See you all out west!